Most of us would know this Sacrament as Confession, it also goes by other names: reconciliation, Sacrament of Forgiveness or Conversion. This sacrament is a sign and experience of God's unconditional forgiveness.
After saying this he breathed on them and said: "Receive the Holy Spirit. For those whose sins you forgive, they are forgiven, for those whose sins you retrain, they are retained." (John 20:22) We are called to be one people united with Christ and one another. Sadly, in our weakness this unity is often ruptured through failures to love (i.e. we sin). Yet God's love for us does not cease when we fail. In this Sacrament, through the Ministry of the Priest, God forgives the sins of those who confess them and reconciles them to Himself and the whole Christian Community. By expressing our sorrow for our sin in the Sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation, we experience forgiveness and healing. Our relationship with God and our unity as Church is made whole again. Reconciliation is a sacrament which can be celebrated repeatedly throughout one's life, and indeed Catholics are encouraged to receive this sacrament frequently. At a minimum, Catholics must make a confession of sins when they are conscious of mortal sin before the reception of Holy Communion. The precept of the Church says that Catholics ought to confess their sins in the sacrament of Confession at least once a year during the Easter Season. If you are unsure how to go to Confession... Sometimes, people hesitate to go to confession because they have forgotten how to do so. The Guide included here is a great help in returning to the sacrament. |
The Blessings in Frequent Confession
There are many blessings in frequent confession (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church 1425-1498). Among such blessings are the following:
First Confession In our parish Catholic children usually make their First Reconciliation at age 7. They prepare for this through the Children's Sacramental Program. In seeking the Sacrament of Confession please either attend one of the Rite I times listed on the Parish newsletter or contact the Parish Office to speak to one of our priests who will arrange a time for you to receive the Sacrament. |
288 Rattray Street Dunedin OPEN HOURS Daily: 8:30am - 5:00pm |
Catholic Pastoral Centre Level 4 300 Rattray Street Dunedin OFFICE HOURS Wed - Fri: 10am - 3pm |
St Joseph's Cathedral Catholic Pastoral Centre Level 4 Private Bag 1941 Dunedin 9054 |